GCBF Homebrew Tent Recipes

I’m ecstatic that there will be a tent dedicated to homebrewing at this year’s Great Canadian Beer Festival.

We’ll be on the festival grounds actually making beer while the hordes drink themselves silly.  And here’s what we’re making:

On Friday it will be a Best Bitter (a middle-of-the-road English Pale Ale):

09-09-2011  JZ I'm Not Bitter, I'm Thirsty

A ProMash Brewing Session Report

Brewing Date: Friday September 09, 2011
Recipe:       JZ I'm Not Bitter, I'm Thirsty

Recipe Specifics
Batch Size (Gal):        12.00    Wort Size (Gal):  12.00
Total Grain (Kg):         9.75
Anticipated OG:          1.047    Plato:            11.70
Anticipated SRM:          11.0
Anticipated IBU:          42.3
Brewhouse Efficiency:       70 %
Wort Boil Time:             60    Minutes

Alc by Weight:  3.61      by Volume:  4.62  From Measured Gravities.


   %     Amount     Name                          Origin        Potential SRM
 88.4     8.62 kg.  Pale Malt(2-row)              Great Britain  1.038      3
  4.7     0.45 kg.  Aromatic Malt                 Belgium        1.036     25
  4.7     0.45 kg.  Crystal 120L                                 1.033    120
  2.3     0.23 kg.  Special Roast Malt            America        1.033     40


   Amount     Name                              Form    Alpha  IBU  Boil Time
106.31 g.     Goldings - E.K.                   Pellet   4.75  36.6  60 min.
 49.61 g.     Goldings - E.K.                   Pellet   4.75   5.7  20 min.
 42.53 g.     Goldings - E.K.                   Pellet   4.75   0.0  0 min.

WYeast 1968 London Extra Special Bitter

Saturday will be a clone of Firestone Walker’s Mission Street Pale Ale
(a terrific American Pale Ale).  The grist for this includes pale ale malt grown on Vancouver Island by Mike Doehnel.

Brewing Date: Saturday September 10, 2011
Recipe:       Mission Street Pale Ale

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (Gal):        12.00    Wort Size (Gal):  12.00
Total Grain (Kg):         9.64
Anticipated OG:          1.045    Plato:            11.31
Anticipated SRM:           5.9
Anticipated IBU:          12.4
Brewhouse Efficiency:       72 %
Wort Boil Time:             90    Minutes

Alc by Weight:  3.44      by Volume:  4.40  From Measured Gravities.


   %     Amount     Name                          Origin        Potential SRM
 80.0     7.71 kg.  Pale Malt(2-row)              America        1.036      2
 15.0     1.45 kg.  Munich Malt(light)            Canada         1.034     15
  5.0     0.48 kg.  CaraPilsner                   France         1.035     10


   Amount     Name                              Form    Alpha  IBU  Boil Time
 14.18 g.     Fuggle                            Pellet   5.00   5.6  90 min.
 14.18 g.     Chinook                           Pellet  13.00   6.8  30 min.
 48.19 g.     Cascade                           Pellet   5.75   0.0  0 min.
 48.19 g.     Centennial                        Pellet  10.50   0.0  0 min.
 48.19 g.     Cascade                           Pellet   5.75   0.0  Dry Hop
 48.19 g.     Centennial                        Pellet  10.50   0.0  Dry Hop

WYeast 1968 London Extra Special Bitter