January Event(s)!

Looks like January is going to be Cider tasting month!

Cider is made with apples and apple are delicious.

First off, Kalynka Cherkosh has invited us down to the orchard on Hereward Rd. It’s in Esquimalt. If Esquimalt scares you can cross the street and you’ll be in safe Vic West. We’ll be wassailing. Aka beating a tree with a stick and sticking toast in said tree. Oh, and drining cider. The event page for the event is here – https://www.facebook.com/events/226242770841144/

Second, cider tasting themed event at BrewVIC HQ (1677 Pear St.). I know lots of you made cider, or at least a few of you made lots of cider. Either way come the HQ and sample some cider and get some ideas for next year. Even I have a keg I’ve put aside for the event, mostly because Aslo Gragson and I would have drank it all by now if I didn’t. Oh, the date is January 20th @ 3pm. ps, if you don’t have any cider to share beer is more than okay. Encouraged in fact.

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